Average Cruise Ship Pay


Cruise Ship Staff Salaries: A Wide Range of Earnings

Varying Wages Based on Position and Experience

The salaries of cruise ship staff vary significantly depending on their position and level of experience. According to data gathered from 35 current and former cruise-ship employees who spoke with Business Insider, the average monthly salary falls within a broad range.

Average Salary Ranges

The salaries of these employees typically fall between $75,000 and $150,000 per year. However, it's important to note that these figures can vary greatly based on individual circumstances, such as job title, years of experience, and the specific cruise line.


The wide range of salaries on cruise ships reflects the diversity of roles and responsibilities within the industry. From entry-level crew members to senior-level officers, each position carries a different level of pay and benefits, making it essential for job seekers to research and negotiate salaries based on their experience and qualifications.


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